Investing in health, vitality and well-being of employees pays back. Corporations all over the world saves millions of dollars when implementing health programs.
Our Vital Office services for corporations, that include HRV Lifestyle Assessments, Vitality Coaching and Corporate Health Programs, are tailor made to suit the needs of your company and your employees.
Health as an investment
Vital Office has been developed with Health Programs for companies that want to invest in health, vitality and well-being of their employees.
Companies healthcare costs continue to rise and more and more employers are looking for ways to reduce the often high costs. Investigations, recent and in the past show that well-being, health and vitality programs can really make a difference in reducing health care costs.
Reasons to invest in corporate health
- Cost reduction
- Reducing stress and stress related complaints
- Reducing employees sickness
- Improvement of company reputation
- Return on investment, often 50% or more
- Increase in employee performance
- Employee happiness increases
- Increase of loyalty from employee to employer
- More energy and creativity among employees
- Attracting and longer retaining top talent
- Healthier working environment
Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment
A unique tool that offers employees individual data about stress, recovery and exercise for improved wellbeing and better work performance.
A personal stress recovery profile of everyday life with professional feedback by our Vital Office Coaches, motivates each employee to make changes for the better.
Did you know that:
- Over 90% of employees recommend Firstbeat
- Over 70’000+ corporations are using Firstbeat worldwide
- 85% of employees feel more productive
- Up to 30% reduction in sick leaves
As a part of our Vital Office Health Program we are incorporating the Firstbeat Lifestyle Assessment to decrease stress, enhance recovery and improve the lifestyle of your employees.